Being in pain is frustrating, limiting and not convenient for our lives. We believe that no two patients are alike, so their treatments shouldn't be either.

Activ8 PT provides treatments made specifically for you!

Time is the single most important asset we have in life, why spend it in pain? No more 3x/week for 6 week treatment plans.  We use hands on treatments, help you understand your symptoms and provide a progressive home exercise program that will help you get control of your life again.  

Is my visit all-inclusive? 

Yes! Whether you need exercise, dry needling, manual therapy or cupping, the cost doesn't change. This allows you to receive the care that you need at an affordable cost

Need help now? 

Sore from yard work or your gym workout that just won't go away? Having a physical therapist evaluate you early after your injury (or pain onset) can help avoid chronic problems. Direct access to a physical therapist allows you to get the help you need without needing a physician referral.

What is Cash-Based Physical Therapy?

Glad you asked. Cashed based physical therapy means we are out of network to all insurances, (but you may be eligible for reimbursement from your insurance company). Our patients pay cash at the time of service which allows us to focus on your problem at hand without your insurance limiting the care you can receive. 

Muscle Energy/Activation Techniques

Improving mobility is required to decrease pain and help rebalance the limitations. When you can simply do that by contracting your own muscles, it's a win-win! 

Therapeutic Exercise

After regaining mobility, you need muscle control and increased load to reach your full potential. Exercise is a key component of getting back to your goals. This allows you to stay strong and reduce risk of reinjury because your body is used to the activities you are doing daily. 

Integrative Dry Needling

Releasing tone built up in shortened tissue can have a lasting effect. This improves the bodies ability to self heal and ultimately decreases pain. Want to learn more? Click HERE

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

Facilitating healing, blood flow, and muscle function and can decrease your pain.